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How many sales opportunities have you missed at your winery?


of winery visitors who express intent to purchase wines upon returning home ultimately do not


of potential winery sales are missed because visitors are limited to buying just one bottle due to carry capacity


of wineries refrain from shipping wines due to the fear of breakage, missing out on direct sales opportunities.

Calculate how much money are you losing in the winery every month!
Number of guests that didn't buy
Enter the number of guests who couldn't purchase due to carrying constraints monthly
How many sales did you lose?
Lost revenue
100 /
Average order value
Note: These estimates are based on average bottle prices and purchase patterns observed in the industry. Actual results may vary based on your winery's specific circumstances, including average spend per visitor and the types of wines offered.

Boost your sales process today!


Craft Technology: connecting distributors and winemakers

Empowering winemakers with a turnkey solution for sales and fulfillment, Craft Technology combines a mobile application and a POS device for streamlined order handling and payment processing, ensuring delivery to end customers globally.

Order & pay right at the winery

Customers select and pay for their favorite wines using our mobile app on the POS device directly at your winery



Your wine, packed & shipped

Distributor takes care of packaging and shipping your wine to your customer’s home.

Wine arrives at the customer’s doorstep

Your customer receives their selected wines, delivered directly to their home, anywhere in the world.



Order & pay right at the winery

Customers select and pay for their favorite wines using our mobile app on the POS device directly at your winery


Your wine, packed & shipped

Distributor takes care of packaging and shipping your wine to your customer’s home.


Wine arrives at the customer’s doorstep

Your customer receives their selected wines, delivered directly to their home, anywhere in the world.

Maximize your sales potential today!

Key benefits

Easy to use payment interface at the winery

Accept card payments effortlessly at the winery using Craft Technology's application on our POS device, or your phone or tablet

Turnkey fulfillment

Enable seamless fulfillment from your winery to the customer's doorstep

Customer data collection

Gather valuable customer data during transactions, allowing for targeted marketing and improved customer relations

Dedicated customer support

Dedicated customer support is provided to end customers, ensuring a satisfactory post-purchase experience

Unlimited sales potential

Increase quantity of wine sold at the winery

Free shipping worldwide for winemakers

Sell the wine in the winery with no extra shipping costs

Turning lost sales into lucrative wins: the winemakers' journey

Enhance your sales process today!

Craft Technology has transformed the way we sell our wine. The ease of processing payments and the seamless fulfillment process has not only boosted our sales but also significantly improved our customer satisfaction. No more “I can’t carry all those bottles” excuses from our guests.

Submit your application

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